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autor: Dudkiewicz, M.
tytuł: Romano Guardiniego podstawy teo-logii
Teologia w Polsce 11,2 (2017) 183-202          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: Guardini, Romanoobraz BogaBóh bliskiBóg dalekiBóg Żywyobjawienie

Romano Guardini, one of the greatest theologians of the 20th century, can be called a 'man of borders'. Guardini was born in Italy but lived in Germany. He was an educated theologian and philosopher, with a passion for knowledge of literature, art, psychology and pedagogy. Being a 'man of borders' has resulted in a comprehensive and wide-eyed glance at God, world, man, and their reciprocal relation to life, which has contributed to the development of deep religious culture of his lifetime.
This article attempts to present the basics of Guardini's theology. Precisely, it concerns a narrow range of theology derived directly from etymology. The foundations of the Munich Professor's theology about the 'word about God' lie in the creative tension expressed in the words 'Close God - Remote God'. Being the God that can be defined as unknown, completely different, outside the 'boundary', God is also at the same time a close God - in the revealed mystery of creation, in the image and likeness of God, in the relationship 'me - You' to which He invites. Also in the mystery of Providence. The culmination of God's closeness is the Incarnation, thanks to which we can speak of a 'human' God whom we can 'see'. The summary of the article constitutes a presentation of God's paradoxes oscillating between the poles of proximity and distance.

autor: Izquierdo, C.
tytuł: Verdad y revelación, en la teología católica contemporánea
Teologia w Polsce 6,2 (2012) 17-29          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: objawienieprawdateologia współczesna

Between revelation and truth deep relationships exist. The doctrine of the Church, in the two Vatican Councils, responded to illustrated criticism denying the truth involved in revelation. This study presents seven proposals in Catholic theology in recent decades, involving a reinterpretation, in varying degrees, depending on the case, of the truth of revelation. Finally an answer is offered to those who claim the impossibility that knowledge involves authority or obedience; the impossibility to perceive a divine order (other than the mundane by definition), and the impossibility of expressing a divine reality that completely transcends our experience the world.

autor: Kasprzak, D.
tytuł: Pismo Święte czytane przez Ojców
Teologia w Polsce 12,2 (2018) 49-69          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: Ojcowie KościołaPismo Świętekanonobjawienieinterpretacja Pisma Świętego

The unification of the books of the Bible and the definition of the standard Constantine edition of the Holy Scripture set about 425 was historically coincident with the imperial policy of the introducing of religious homogeneity in the Roman Empire at the beginning of the fourth century. Moreover, due to the cultural continuity within the Roman Empire until the 5th century, it was possible the translation of "word for word". The German-Iranian raids in the 5th century resulted in the disintegration of the ancient cultural community, and caused the necessity of the translations of "meaning in meaning". The highest form of God's revelation for the patristic authors was the incarnation of God. The Bible, as the revealed word of God, was understood as a privileged, free God's phenomenon, through which God reveals the truth about himself and communicates with man. Consequently the Church Fathers interpreted the divine inspiration as the gift of God which was given to a biblical author. In this way an inspired writer was able to convey the divine revelation drown from the Holy Scriptures to a community of the faithful, which received as the word of God himself. In the opinion of the Church Fathers, the Christian theology was based on the contemplation of the Bible, which constituted the norm of the Christian faith. To the Patristic writers Jesus was a hermeneutic key to the Holy Scripture and it was him who leads the faithful to the cognition of the divine mystery and the human dignity. In their exegesis and theology the Christian Fathers showed us that the Person of Jesus, who ultimately revealed the Father to us should not be distinguished from testimony of the Christian kerygma and the Holy Scriptures. This affirmative attitude towards the Bible contributed to the formation of the biblical canon in the 7th century and also shaped the Trinitarian, spiritual and liturgical tradition of the Church. The Biblical interpretation of the church Fathers can be regarded as a more complete meaning of the NT, which expresses the sense intended by God, the first author of the Scripture in the dogmatic tradition of the Church, and which sense was not fully known to the human author of the Scriptures (e.g. the concept of the Holy Trinity, the intra-trinitarian relations and the doctrine of the original sin). Thus understood the reading of Scripture was for the patristic writers both the source of their faith and their theology.

autor: Körner, B.
tytuł: Jaką rolę odgrywa egzegeza w dogmatyce?
Teologia w Polsce 12,2 (2018) 35-48          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: objawienieSłowo Bożeegzegeza historyczno-krytycznahistorycznośćinterpretacja Pisma Świętego

With the end of neoscholastic theology, there was a necessity of new definition of relation between dogmatics, which is now understood from the perspective of history of salvation, and exegesis which, among other methods, uses a historicocritical method. Fundamentals of that new understanding have been given by the constitution Dei Verbum of Vaticanum II. Reffering to this document, the article presents the thesis that the interpretation of the Holy Scripture by the Church through the ages, that is in the living Tradition, and historicocritical interpretation are two different approaches which, nevertheless, should not be contradicted. What is more, we can read the Bible and understand it not just as a historical text but as the Word of God for today, only when we take into account the mutual influence of these two approaches.

autor: Królikowski, J.
tytuł: Wcielenie wiecznego Słowa - rzeczywistość historyczna i zbawcza
Teologia w Polsce 10,1 (2016) 65-73          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: wcieleniezbawienieobjawienie

The incarnation of the eternal Word is first and foremost an event "for man". To be able to keep this conviction in mind and to preach it successfully, constantly discovering yet hidden advantages, it requires more and more profound theological grasp of the incarnation of the Son of God, since only then it is possible to see its full anthropological perspective.
Therefore, in this article we focus on certain Christological tendencies which diminish historicalness of the incarnation of the Word of God. Against this background we go back to the fundamental fact for Christian faith, namely that "the Word became flesh". It poses a question of personal identity of Christ-Word, which is seen in the light of Christological doctrine elaborated by the consecutive councils of the undivided Church. The idea of this doctrine is that we believe in the Word of life. Finally, a question has to be asked whether the mystery of the incarnation of the Word is worthy of belief and how it affects our life if we accept it. The crucial matter is to accentuate the fact that the mystery of the incarnation of the eternal Word belongs to both the historical and redemptive reality.

autor: Müller, G.L.
tytuł: Tradycja jako zasada katolickiej teologii
Teologia w Polsce 12,2 (2018) 5-17          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: tradycjaPismo Świętemetodologiaobjawienieekumenizm

Summary The biblical revelation, as well as all Christianity, has strictly historical character. Therefore, theology should remain historical as well. Apart from the fact that it teaches some timeless truths, theology, on the first place, proclaims the message about God reveling himself in the history. This message itself is historical and it is communicated from generation to generation in dynamic process called Tradition. Therefore, Tradition is not an external norm but it is rather a fundamental rule for every theologian - the rule without which we cannot speak of catholic theology at all. This role of Tradition should be emphasized especially nowadays when we experience a "cult of contemporaneity" and when we see a trend in the Church to treat unofficial sayings of Pope and other members of the hierarchy as normative and supposedly standing above Tradition.

autor: Rabczyński, P.
tytuł: Hermeneutyka teologiczna objawień gietrzwałdzkich
Teologia w Polsce 12,2 (2018) 193-213          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: objawienia w Gietrzwałdzieobjawienia maryjneobjawienie publicznepbjawienie prywatnehermeneutyka objawień maryjnych

In 1877 Marian apparitions took place in Gietrzwałd in Warmia and were recognised by the Church one hundred years later. The message Mary conveyed to the girls she appeared to could be summarised in three statements: "I am the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Immaculate Conception; I wish you recite the rosary everyday; Do not despair for I will always be with you". The Gietrzwałd apparitions belong to the so-called private revelations. They should be studied and interpreted within the history of salvation as particular signs of the presence and actions of God throughout the ages.
The Marian apparitions in Gietrzwałd pointed to a supernatural, divine reality which finds fulfilment in Jesus Christ, who is now present in His Church. They led their recipients towards the public revelation, awakened and strengthened the faith of God's people. The apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Gietrzwałd lead to the realisation of the necessity for the continuous interpretation of the public revelation and deepening its understanding at a specific point in time. Owing to these apparitions, some of the truths of faith which would be difficult to understand, such as the Immaculate Conception, became better explained, popularised and easier to comprehend. The message of the apparitions in Gietrzwałd reminded of the evangelical call to convert, repent and pray as well as confirmed the faithful in their belief of the constant presence of God in history but also each man's life. They therefore constitute an important impulse towards Christian renewal and the return to evangelical zeal and sanctity.

autor: Słocińska, M.
tytuł: Możliwość Objawienia Bożego według Petera Knauera
Teologia w Polsce 11,1 (2017) 207-221          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: Knauer, Peterobjawieniewcielenie

According to Peter Knauer, special Revelation of God and a community of man with God is possible, although not obvious. Christian message wants to be comprehended as Word of God, wherein God is approaching man with His message of love. Acceptance of man into love of God is the essence of His Revelation. This concept of divine Revelation is possible only with trinitarian-incarnational-pneumatological comprehension of God and cannot be understood just and only in an intellectual way. Therefore, we need faith.

autor: Walczak, M.
tytuł: Problem tak zwanego obrazu Boga w świetle tezy Paula Tillicha o objawieniu finalnym
Teologia w Polsce 10,2 (2016) 197-207          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: Tillich, Paulobjawieniechrystologia

The problem of the so-called "view of God" is more and more popular in pastoral practice, as well as in evangelization. The term "view of God" refers to images and conceptions, which occurs in the heart of every believer. This topic is so vital that it is definitely worth theological reflection. For the Christian theology, there is only one criterion of all views of God, which is Revelation of God. Revelation in Christ, called by Tillich the final revelation, is an ultimate key to judge all conceptions about God. According to Tillich, this revelation can also judge and purge all religious experiences. It is true that every human being has his own relationship with God, but it is also true that the only one real view of God is that revealed by God himself in his Son. This view is a view of Love dying for the salvation of people.

autor: Zatwardnicki, S.
tytuł: Objawienie w ujęciu radykalnej ortodoksji
Teologia w Polsce 13,2 (2019) 237-260          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: radykalna ortodoksjaradical orthodoxyMilbank, J.Ward, G.Pickstock, C.objawienienadprzyrodzonośćmetafizyka

A broad understanding of revelation corresponds to a wide range of theological interests of radical orthodoxy. The article shows which conceptions are struggled against and which interpretations of revelation are promoted by the movement's supporters. Following Thomas Aquinas, representatives of radical orthodoxy assume that revelation is an event which combines illumination of the intellect, the interpretation of reality in this light and internal transformation of a soul. Such a point of view leads to rejection of a modern conception of revelation (Suárez's heritage). According to representatives of radical orthodoxy, by coming back to patristic and medieval roots, especially to metaphysics of participation, one can overcome dualisms of faith and reason together with those of nature and grace. Henri de Lubac's surnaturel paradox is spread onto issues of biblical exegesis and development of doctrine. Issues of relation of theology to philosophy is dealt with as well. In fact the discussion with opinions of leaders of the movement should be reduced to a meta-argument concerning the polarity: unity vs distinction. Finally, the attitude of radical orthodoxy is presented against a background of catholic theology. The radicalism characteristic of the movement turns out to simultaneously shake the orthodox balance typical of Catholicism.

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